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Maximum Overdrive Chat Bot Feedback Form

Thank you for using the Maximum Overdrive FTC chatbot! We strive to provide an efficient solution for all your FTC-related queries, from code issues to mechanical problems. Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance the chatbot's performance and accuracy. Completing this feedback form enters you into a raffle for a GoBILDA gift card. Share your suggestions to help us make your FTC journey smoother!

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FTC paper

CenterSTAGE Drone Research

Check out our cutting-edge research on paper airplane aerodynamics, where we unlock the secrets to achieving the perfect flight in the First Tech Challenge Centerstage game!

GearMinds Podcast

To address the competitive animosity between FTC teams—especially during competition season—and foster gracious professionalism, Maximum Overdrive hosted a podcast series named Gear Minds. Its discussions allow for roundtable style discussions between guest FTC teams. Each episode, we feature 3-4 FTC teams and discuss all aspects of robotics resulting in connecting with other teams, crafting a sense of community, and creating a treasure trove of information for our listeners.